Saturday, August 31, 2013

DIY Joplin Adjustable Seat Post Conversion

Got a Crank Brothers Joplin Adjustable Seatpost, that I wanted to convert to a remote setup and I didn't want to spend the money they were asking for the kit, so...I built it myself!
I bought the Joplin Seat Post off Trade Me for $50.00, so the first step, was to strip it and replace the worn parts, clean and reassemble.

Reassembled and tested...all set for modification to take DIY remote.

I wanted to make it an internal mechanism, so that dirt couldn't get in. I cut a slot into the front of the post, to accommodate the lever I was making.

Rear view of slot.

Small lever manufactured & ready for install.

Lever installed.

I had drilled a hole to allow for cable, making sure I aligned it with the lever.

Made up a boot out of an old tube, to keep out the mud.

Made up a remote trigger out of aluminium off-cuts & an adjuster off an old derailleur. perfectly.

Installed trigger.


  1. Hello, could you wrote me measurment of pin tool, which is need for open these seatpost?? Thank you very much. Radek

  2. Hi. How did you get the rod out of the middle (the one that operates the valve)

  3. Hi,what is the model of bottom valve? Thank
